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  • 【WT-69】Sorane SA-1.2 has got terrific review with “Haute Fidelite Reference Award” in Haute Fidelite Magazine, Oct_Nov 2023 issue by Bruno Castelluzzo-san, France

【WT-69】Sorane SA-1.2 has got terrific review with “Haute Fidelite Reference Award” in Haute Fidelite Magazine, Oct_Nov 2023 issue by Bruno Castelluzzo-san, France2023.Sep.29

RENAUD RIBET-san at Delta-Audio / Sorane French distributor, has just forwarded us this marvelous review article with “Haute Fidelite Reference Award ” for “Sorane SA-1.2” by Bruno Castelluzzo -san in “Haute Fidelite”/ Oct,Nov_2023 magazine, for your further ongoing powerful reference.

→SA1.2 Review in Haute Fidelite
Following is their conclusive description.

Sometimes the importance of a pick-up cartridge in a vinyl system can be easily overlooked. Yet if it doesn't excavate the music from the record groove in the first place, it can never be got back later – it is lost forever. The cartridge may be the smallest component in your system, but still plays a major role. Of course, a stable platform is essential for the cartridge to give its best, and so for this cartridge, you're talking something of the calibre of a high-end Rega or a middle-ranking Linn or Michell at the minimum. I found that properly set up in a decent turntable, Hana's Unami Blue has great ability. Hear one for yourself if you possibly can.


