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  • 【WT-45】Mark Phillips-san Reviews “Hana Umami Red, At $3950, reaches ...

【WT-45】Mark Phillips-san Reviews “Hana Umami Red, At $3950, reaches that top level of phono cartridges where it becomes about you”, again in Parttime Audiophile, USA.2021.Sep.03

Garth Leerer-san at Musical Surroundings /HANA USA distributor has just forwarded us, again this review article after Mohammed Samji -san’s promising HANA-Umami review in June/2021(WT-40).



The Hana Umami Red, at $3950, reaches that top level of phono cartridges where it becomes about you, the owner—your priorities and tastes—will dictate whether it will be the cartridge for you.
But I’ll say it clearly—if you are looking for cartridges in this price range and you don’t check out the Umami, you’ll always wonder if you made the right decision.
I’m glad I made the decision to grab this cartridge from Mo and experience it for myself. Highly recommended.

