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  • 【WT-42】DAVID PRICE-san at StereoNET applauded HANA-Umami as “the best I’ve heard at the price in terms of absolute ability”, UK ,Australia.

【WT-42】DAVID PRICE-san at StereoNET applauded HANA-Umami as “the best I’ve heard at the price in terms of absolute ability”, UK ,Australia.2021.Aug.10

Both Michael Osborn-san at Air Audio/ HANA UK distributor and Aleksandar Maksimovic-san at Audio Magic/ HANA Australian distributor have forwarded us this “Applause Award/ Stereonet”, given to HANA-Umami with their confidence.



High end moving coils all have their own signature sound, and whether you like it or not is, of course, subjective.
What’s not up for debate, I think, is the performance level of Hana’s Umami Red. It’s up there with the best I’ve heard at the price in terms of absolute ability.
For example, Ortofon’s similarly priced MC Winfeld Ti is probably its closest rival. It offers a slightly silkier presentation with prodigious detail – yet it doesn’t have the musicality and momentum of the Japanese contender. As such, this is an essential audition if you’re in the market for a top-tier moving coil.


