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  • 【WT-39】HANA_EH is reviewed as a great pickup for starting "adult" analogue, in “HiFi Voice” Czech magazine. (210605)

【WT-39】HANA_EH is reviewed as a great pickup for starting "adult" analogue, in “HiFi Voice” Czech magazine. (210605) 2021.Jun.05

Martin Vysušil -san at ” Altei spol. s r.o..”, HANA Czech distributor, has forwarded us following URL, with his translated English description.



<Brief English Description>

If you are not yet clear in the analogue gramophone world, but you are aiming for the best possible sound without slipping into the abyss of probably infinitely high price tags you can spend on analog, the HANA brand is a very good starting point into world of pickups - the basic EH model catapults you with sound quality to world of medium-sized hi-fi and leaves behind all the famous and popular pickups, which even relatively prestigious manufacturers selling pre-installed in their chassis. And the difference is clear horse length. Yes, the sound is not perfectly neutral, yes, it is not completely ideal if you listen primarily to metal or other “heavy" genres. But if you are looking for “real vinyl" comfort, if you like a warmer sound and if you want to swim in your music waves so relaxed, If you want to care yourself and let yourself be caressed with melodic sophistication by almost any music, then you are at the right place. For a reasonable price, HANA EH offers lightness in all directions - lightness during installation and adjustment, and especially lightness in every minute of the listening. A great gramophone pickup that can just as easily become a great starting point for an "adult" analogue, as well as a permanent companion for every basic and intermediate gramophone chain.

